Saturday, December 24, 2022
Thursday, December 15, 2022
Python program to communicate with a wireless BACnet thermostat.
The thermostat is a BAST-221C-BW2 from Contemporary Controls and the cost is very reasonable at $160. This version is wireless which is ideal for home use. The thermostat does not come with a weekly schedule function since it was made primarily for industrial applications where this would be handled by a building management system.
The program reads the following parameters from the thermostat one time each minute: currentTemperature, activeTemperatureSetpoint, coolingTemperatureSetpoint, heatingTemperatureSetpoint, coolingHeatingStatus, relayStatus1, relayStatus3, relayStatus7, fanStatus. It then stores the data in a SQLITE3 database which is open source. I used SQLITE STUDIO to query the data.
The program is running on a Dell laptop running Linux Mint.